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My Oil Paintings

Most recent paintings

Two more Eagles

"Nala" for Ray

" Happy Birthday Ray"

"Kitties" for Shirley


Tom Cloe & Scully


"Carnations" for Shirley


"Dapple grey Horse and Wolf" for Steve


"West Branch" 10-17-17

"Stella and Cooper"



"Roses for Mary"


"Snow Paintings for Christmas"




"Butterfly for Dawn"



Trio for Ciarra


Trio for Allyne


Ciarra loves the Wine


"For my Bathroom"


"For my Poppy Room"

John Deere for Jimmy

"Lady and Ciarra"

"Puzzle and Junior on their favorite blanket at Grandma's"

"Gidgy, Daisy and Ammo and Isabelle"


Rocky Painting for 'Chad'


My favorite - EAGLE

God bless America, Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Through the night with a light from above.

From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam

God bless America, My home sweet home
God bless America, My home sweet home.


I just finished these dogs!!     Dec 27, 28 and 29

1- Chase                    2- Shiloh                    3- Stella   

English Mountain from the front porch


For Steve





For Jimmy Jack and Patti

Paintings that won ribbons


The first Bible Painting was in the 'Oil'catagory and second Bible Painting was 'Acrylic' catagory


The Old Mill placed 3rd in 'Tennessee Landmark' catagory



Church painting in summer time won 3rd place ribbon




Emerts Bridge side view placed 3rd in Tennessee Valley in 'Tennessee Landmark' catagory and Emerts Bridge front view placed 2nd at Greene county




First deer painting was for Roy and second one for Doug

Tiger and white cat were in the animal catagory

I was inspired to paint these while watching the Olympics

Shields Cabin and John Olivers cabin were in 'Tennessee Landmark' catagory'

Desert water scenes




the first painting got First place at Greene County and second painting got Second at Jefferson County in 'Seascape catagory'





Iris paintings entered in 'Floral catagory'




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